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JobKeeper Payments COVID-19 FAQs

JobKeeper Payments for EMPLOYERS (Scheme period starts 30 March)

My business has only started or has “lumpy” income.
How can I self-assess that my turnover has fallen 30%? (30% for small business)?

Most businesses would be expected to establish that their turnover has fallen in the relevant quarter (or month), relative to their turnover in a corresponding period a year earlier. Where the turnover a year earlier is not representative of the usual or average turnover (eg. newly established, scaling up, turnover fluctuates in nature), the ATO will have discretion to consider additional information that the business can provide to determine that they have been adversely affected by COVID-19. Alternative tests may be available by the ATO and some tolerance where employers, in good faith estimate a 30% or more (or 50% or more for turnovers >$1billion) fall in turnover but actually experience a slightly smaller fall.

My turnover has not decreased by 30% this month but is likely to meet this fall in the coming month.
Am I eligible?

You can apply for the payment if you reasonably expect that your turnover will fall by 30% or more relative to your turnover in a corresponding period a year earlier. The ATO will provide guidance about self-assessment of actual and anticipated falls in turnover.

If a business does not meet the 30% fall in turnover at the start but does so at a later time, the JobKeeper payment is not backdated to the start of the scheme. Businesses can keep receiving the payments up to 27 September 2020.

My business is still operating and my employees are still working.
How will my payments to them be affected?

If you are an eligible business, you will receive $1,500 per employee per fortnight to support their continued employment. If an eligible employee currently earns less than $1,500 before tax per fortnight, you will need to pay them $1,500 at a minimum to receive the JobKeeper Payment.

What if I don’t have the money to continue paying my eligible employees until the payments get reimbursed from 1 May?

The ATO can back-pay to 30 March for eligible recipients from 1 May. In cases where cashflow is a difficulty, those businesses may want to speak with their bank to discuss options. The banks have said that businesses may be able to use the upcoming JobKeeper payment as a basis to seek credit in order to pay their employees until the scheme is making its first payments

What is the definition of Turnover?

Turnover will be based on the current calculation for GST purposes and is reported on the BAS. It includes all taxable supplies and all GST-free supplies, excluding input-taxed supplies. Only Australian-based sales are included, overseas income is excluded.

How often will the payments be made?

The payments will be made by the ATO monthly in arrears.

JobKeeper Payments for EMPLOYEES (Scheme period starts 30 March)

I have multiple employers. Will I receive multiple payments of the $1,500/fortnight?

No – every employee is only able to receive one stream of this payment from their primary employer. Your employer may ask you to indicate whether they are your primary employer. The ATO will provide guidance on how to determine your primary employer. You can continue to receive non-JobKeeper supported income from your non-primary employer.

I am still working or on paid leave and I earn less than $1,500 per fortnight before tax. How much will I receive?

For eligible employees, if you receive less than $1,500 before tax/fortnight, your employer must pay you at least $1,500. Your employer will continue to pay you your ordinary income according to your prevailing workplace arrangements and provide a “top-up’ so you receive $1,500 per fortnight.

I have been stood down. How much will I receive?

If your employer is eligible for the JobKeeper Payment and they elect to participate, your employer will receive $1,500 per fortnight for each eligible employee. They will be required by law to pay you $1,500 (before tax) per fortnight. The payment will be treated as taxable income to you and subject to withholding tax by your employer.

Will I get paid superannuation on my $1,500/fortnight?

No - superannuation is not required to be paid for the amount supplemented by the Government if the employee is not working. If it is supplementing a salary for work performed, super is payable.

Will employees who receive this benefit still be eligible for the JobSeeker and/or Coronavirus Supplement?

No - for employees that have received either of these payments and then become eligible for the JobKeeper payment, they will need to advise Centrelink. If an employee double-dips on JobSeeker and JobKeeper, they may be required to it pay back.

I have taken up other work after being stood down. Will I still receive a payment?

Yes – the JobKeeper Payment is not income-tested, so you may earn additional income without your payment being affected as long as you are eligible and maintain your employment (including being stood down) with your JobKeeper-eligible employer. However, you can only receive the JobKeeper Payment from your primary employer.

I worked for several casual jobs over 12 months but for different employers. Am I eligible for the JobKeeper Payment?

No – guidance says that you must have been working for the one business for at least 12 months as at 1 March 2020 on a regular and system basis.No – guidance says that you must have been working for the one business for at least 12 months as at 1 March 2020 on a regular and system basis.

I was working in Australia on 1 MARCH. I have been stood down and returned to my home country. Am I eligible?

You may be eligible to receive the payment if you are an Australian citizen / PR / on a Subclass 444 visa who has temporarily left the country. You will be eligible for the payment if you are a resident of Australia for tax purposes and if you have been stood down from work or if your former employer reemploys you. If you have ceased employed and are not rehired, you will not be eligible.